Theory: Deacon and NERO

Are you ready to put your tinfoil hat on? Well, I have a theory about our friend Deacon St. John and what could possibly be his demise down the road. Before that, I dig into NERO’s supervillain plan and begin to think if I am really this crazy. Hope you enjoy!


From the very beginning of the story, we see the connection of Deacon and NERO. From the time Sarah gets on the helicopter, to the revelation of O’Brian at the end of the game. I believe there is something behind the connection of Deacon and NERO than just finding Sarah. Add in the fact that we find out later in the game that Sarah knows the virus came directly from her lab at Cloverdale. If NERO is a government agency and Sarah has security clearance, wouldn’t they want to keep close tabs on the person that may have contributed to the virus? Could it be some huge elaborate plan from the head of NERO to track Deacon in finding Sarah? Is Sarah the key to all of this? 

O’Brian has been out of the loop with his own agency as he uses Deacon to gain intel on other researchers. The head of NERO could be using O’Brian and Deacon as puppets to reach Sarah. However, if they already know where Sarah is from her surgery at Silver Lake Emergency Facility, then are they tracking Deacon’s movements to find out more about the Freakers? Deacon could just be another body in their mind doing their dirty work as they gain more information by the day. Using a survivor instead of one of their own soldiers to dive into caves and find locations of hordes is pretty clever if I say so myself. Now you may be thinking, how could NERO possibly know the location of Deacon at all times? By the NERO radio that Deacon has attached to him! Inside the radio could be a GPS tracker following his every move. Deacon has that radio on him all the way to the point where NERO almost picks Sarah and him up at Wizard Island. Coincidence? 

All of this brings me to my main point for the end of Deacon St. John. So, NERO knows where Deacon has been traveling. They know where Sarah is. They know about all the NERO research sites he has visited. What if they’re not following him just for information on the Freakers, but using him as an experiment? In a post-apocalyptic world, any type of medicine is crucial to surviving. Nevertheless, NERO leaves injectors behind that seem to be very beneficial. That would be something you would want to have in your possession, correct? Unless, you meticulously leave it there for a reason. NERO tracks Deacon as he goes from research site to research site knowing very well that he is gathering any supplies he can find. Each injector provides Deacon with a boost of stamina, focus or health leaving him the perfect bait to gain any little advantage over hordes of Freakers. What if that injector is filled with the Freaker virus? 

“What if that injector is filled with the Freaker virus?”

Let’s assume that Deacon along with the other survivors are immune to the virus, but these injectors are slowly pumping Deacon with it. Over time, will he become an intelligent Freaker type like O’Brian? If infected, this would grant Deacon with enhanced strength and agility, while still containing his human intelligence. Knowing who the character of Deacon St. John is and his code, once he would become aware of the transformation, he would want to die before becoming one of them. Before he gets to the point of death though, NERO’s main goal would be to capture Deacon and use him for their own purpose (whatever that may be). However, NERO would be unsuccessful in capturing Deacon because Boozer would be the one to kill his own brother to spare him. 

I’m losing you now, right? Let me bring the ending of this theory full circle with the death of Deacon. Remember during the story when you must find Boozer drunk and wandering the broken road? When Deacon finds him, Boozer is ready to die by the horde in front of him. Deacon reminds him of the time when his old lady was killed, and he found him halfway through a case of whiskey about to drink himself to death. If he was going to drink himself to death, then Deacon would be right there with him because “that’s what brothers do.” Now, you’re beginning to ask yourself why wouldn’t Boozer die along with his brother? Right before Deacon dies, he asks his brother for one last promise – to keep Sarah safe.

Here is some additional evidence I wanted you to see that could relate to my theory. Below, is the dialogue from O’Brian when you meet him at the cemetery in the post-credits scene after he removes his helmet:

“They knew all along, of course, that it was happening.”

“The men above me? That’s why they were so cautious, so secretive.”

“They’re coming.”

“I’m sorry.”

“There’s nothing you can do to stop them.”

If this is how Deacon dies, does this occur at the end of Days Gone 3? You can then decide to move the franchise forward in two different ways; move to a whole new location with new characters or continue the story of brotherhood with Boozer keeping his promise to Deacon as you follow the journey of Boozer and Sarah. 

Did you keep up with me with all that rambling? As I was writing this theory, I kept branching off with even more possibilities causing even my head to spin. Is this theory far-fetched? Of course it is, but speculating the unlikely scenarios is what makes theorizing so enjoyable. Do you have any theories yourself? Head to the bottom of this page and click the Discord icon to join The Broken Road server where we chat about everything and anything Days Gone and let me know what you think!

2 thoughts on “Theory: Deacon and NERO

  1. My husband plays Days Gone, while I watch. Each time he used on of those Nero Injectors I asked him if that was really a good idea!

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